Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ice. It's what's for dinner.

No joke, it feels like Death Valley. At least they don't put 100 on the weather forecast each day. Just seeing it makes it feel worse. But 99.9 degrees feels the same.

In all this heat, I haven't been cooking much. We have cold tomato sandwiches, or avocado sandwiches (yummy, and no cooking). And we usually go check out the house each night in the peak of the heat. Still no brick, but they are working inside. This week they laid the tile and bathroom countertops. We'll be back out there in about an hour, but these are the latest. The tile is laid, but no grout, so you see all the little plastic joint spacers. Those will be gone.

The entry way is the same slate tile as the kitchen above...

And when you come to visit, this is a shot of YOUR bathroom...

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